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In December 2024, Estonian pawnbrokers recorded a historic increase in pledged items—rising by 20% compared to the previous year. The growth was especially noticeable in Narva, where the number of clients surged, a trend that experts believe may be l...
At the Estonia-Russia border in Narva, border guards detained several individuals with items featuring "prohibited symbols."
Charge your phone, have some tea, warm up from the cold, and save money — this is what Hotel INGER and the Salvation Army offer to those stuck in the border queues.
The pedestrian-only checkpoint is struggling to cope with the increased flow of travelers, resulting in long wait times and a tense atmosphere.
Priority shelter is given to families with children and elderly individuals.
The queues may continue to grow until January 8.
Mihhail did not miss the opportunity to share his thoughts on social media: "Ukraine's victory is the victory of Europe, the United States, and the entire democratic world," he firmly believes.
From December 24 to 26, Estonia celebrates Christmas, and these days are official public holidays. However, the Narva-1 border crossing will continue operating on its regular schedule — from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Despite the holiday period, n...
Tallinn is gearing up to welcome December with a magical atmosphere of music, light, and joy. This year, the city offers its residents and visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy a series of free concerts taking place in various corners of the capital.
If the beginning of her career sets the tone for her style, the EU can expect a storm of bold statements, decisive actions, and possibly new international developments.